Do Not Show Favoritism

Text: James 2:1-8

The book of James is filled with practical guidance for Christian living. The first part of this chapter addresses favoritism. He uses an example of two people – one that was obviously rich based on his apparel, and one that was extremely poor based on his appearance – walking into your church. You may say to the rich person, "sit here" and then say to the poor person, "stand and wait."

Because of the high social standing or even popularity of the rich person, you may consider offering this person the best seat. The poor is left waiting, standing possibly at the entrance of the church. James says that our reaction to the rich over the poor is favoritism and is against God's moral law.

In God's economy the rich is not greater than the poor. For in the eyes of God, the poor is rich in faith.

Favoritism poisons our hearts into thinking we have no value, 
and that others are better than us. 
It can make us insecure people-pleasers who are fearful of others. 
The truth we must cling to, with Spirit-filled diligence, 
is the truth that we are favored by God. 
 - John Perritt

Father, thank you for reminding me that I am valuable. You have shown me favor even though I am undeserving. Help me to be aware of those that are in need around me. Amen!