An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

“Then remembered I [Peter] the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; 
but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 11:16).

TEXT: Acts 8:5-17; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 11:1-18; Acts 19:1-7 

CENTRAL TRUTH: God’s will is that every believer in Christ be baptized in the Holy Spirit. 

1. CONVERTS RECEIVE THE SPIRIT (Acts 8:5-6, 12, 14-17) 
2. GENTILES RECEIVE THE SPIRIT (Acts 10:44-48; 11:15-18) 

1. CONVERTS RECEIVE THE SPIRIT (Acts 8:5-6, 12, 14-17) 
A. Philip Proclaims the Gospel in Samaria (vv. 5-6) 
B. Samaritans Receive the Holy Spirit (vv. 12, 14-17) 

2. GENTILES RECEIVE THE SPIRIT (Acts 10:44-48; 11:15-18) 
A. The Gentile Pentecost (10:44-48) 
B. Gentile Pentecostals Revisited (11:15-18) 

A. A New Doctrine (vv. 1-2) 
B. A New Understanding (vv. 3-4) 
C. A New Baptism (vv. 5-7) 

Outpourings of the Holy Spirit are detailed in several passages in the Book of Acts. Today’s Scripture texts display the nondiscriminatory character, as well as the universality, of the outpouring of the Spirit. These texts show the outpouring of the Spirit transcends boundaries of status, ethnicity, and nationality. 

In chapter 8, the preaching of the Gospel in Samaria marked a transition from the Jewish to the Gentile mission.  

Chapter 10 records Peter’s vision at Joppa and the conversion of Cornelius at Caesarea. By pouring out His Spirit on the group that was assembled in the house of Cornelius, God declared that the Gentiles, as well as the Jews, were to be recipients of the promised Paraclete.  

Chapter 11 gives Peter’s vindication of his entering a Gentile home and associating with those considered to be “heathen.” Whatever his critics might say, the Spirit’s outpouring upon the Gentiles was enough proof that Pentecost is for all who respond in faith to the Gospel. 

The power of Pentecost is still relevant for today. God still wants to change hearts and transform lives. In all three accounts in today’s lesson, the groups who received the Spirit did so on their own turf, not in a church setting. We must be willing to go to places we do not normally go, minister to people with whom we may not be comfortable, and allow God to get the glory as they receive the blessings. And, we get to be part of it! Isn’t God good? 

  1. Spirit-Inspired Judge – Judges 6:34-40 
  2. Spirit-Inspired Levite – 2 Chronicles 20:14-19 
  3. Spirit-Inspired Prophet – Ezekiel 11:1-5 
  4. Spirit-Inspired Mother – Luke 1:39-45 
  5. Spirit Inspired Father – Luke 1:67-79 
  6. Spirit Inspired Martyr – Acts 7:54-60 

*Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2019-2020.