In verses 12-14 we see a series of rhetorical questions as God lays out His case before the people. No other god has both the power and authority to do what He has done in all of creation. Yet we limit our relationship with Him. He wants so much to be our God! Lebanon's majestic timber "is not sufficient to burn" nor are there enough sacrificial animal offerings that eclipse God's greatness.
The reminder of God’s greatness puts us in perspective as tiny and insignificant by comparison. At the same time, the greatness of our God brings great assurance. Our God is mighty. Our God is big. Our God is God; the one and only true god.—Dale Nicol, Isaiah 40:12-14 Awesome God!
At some point in your life you are going to get to the point where you will have to admit that you cannot handle everything on your own. You do not have the resources within yourself to handle everything life throws at you. Where will you turn then? A wise man, a wise woman will look to the only One who can handle every mess we work up for ourselves. So when are you going to let him take control of your life and make something out of it? Christian, when are you going to stop living like an atheist, stop relying on yourself for every responsibility and expectation that is before you? When are you going to run to the Lord and cast your cares on him (1 Peter 5:8)?—Gene Brooks, Isaiah 40 - Comfort My People
PRAYER: God, your greatness is immeasurable. We see your glory in all of creation. You are big—bigger than all of my problems. I turn to you, the only wise God, clothed in majesty and power. I cast my cares on you. Amen!